Bed & Breakfast Insurance
As the owner of a Bed & Breakfast establishment, you open both your heart and your home for the comfort of a guest. You know that while you have a lot to protect, finding the right product to meet your unique needs can be difficult.
Understanding that a loss could be potentially devastating, we designed a product that meets the unique needs of Bed & Breakfast establishments.
Why is the Bed & Breakfast Program Unique?
Our Bed & Breakfast program is unique because it combines all of the coverages you normally receive under a Business Owner's Policy with some Bed & Breakfast-specific coverages. We call our bed & breakfast insurance product the Bed & Breakfast Max!
The best part is that our Bed & Breakfast Max endorsement comes free of charge with your Business Owner's Policy!
Bed & Breakfast Program Highlights
Property Protection is available on a Special Coverage Form and provides the following:
- Building Coverage protects the unique home within which both your family and visiting guests have built many memories.
- Business Personal Property Coverage insures your furniture, fixtures, property of guests, home decor items, office items and more! Theft is covered.
- Liability Protection against losses for bodily injury, property damage, and personal and advertising injury.
- Loss of Business Income and Related Expenses coverage when a covered property loss forces you to put your Bed & Breakfast business on hold while expenses continue to accumulate for up to 12 months following the actual loss.
What is Bed & Breakfast Max?
Bed & Breakfast Max is what makes the program so unique. While many insurance companies offer general products that are expected to cover a wide variety of businesses, the Bed & Breakfast Max is custom-tailored just for you by including the following coverages:
- Personal Liability and Medical Expense Coverage is provided for Bed & Breakfast owners and their family members. While a typical Business Owner's Policy places limitations on where you are covered, the Bed & Breakfast Max extends your coverage to include anywhere in the world!
- Household Personal Property: You've made your Bed & Breakfast special by adding items that give it your own personal touch. If we cover your business personal property, the Bed & Breakfast Max endorsement extends your coverage on these items to include worldwide protection.
- Guests' Property: The Bed & Breakfast Max extends your "property of others" coverage to include property belonging to guests. A good reputation is key to your business's success. And while you take great care and pride in your Bed & Breakfast establishment, accidents can happen. If a guest's property is stolen, damaged or destroyed during a stay with you, the policy will pay up to $1,000 per guest, up to $10,000 for any one occurrence. Additional coverage limits are available.
Email Amy Greenplate, Commercial Lines Service, today to customize a program to meet your needs.